Current members
Elie Dantziger – PhD candidate
Elie conducts ethnographic research in ecology laboratories. He focuses on projects that reconstruct ecosystems in closed and controlled environments.
The PhD is supervised by Perig Pitrou (social anthropology) and Régis Ferrière (ecology)
Gaspard Demorcy – PhD candidate
In his thesis, Gaspard uses a floating evaporation tank to combine multiple methods of direct measurement based on water balance and energy balance in order to directly measure evaporation in lakes.
The PhD is co supervised by Florence Habets (LG ENS)
Anne-Flore Didelot – PhD candidate
The thesis project aims to characterize the agronomic determinants of dissolved carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus flows from agricultural soils into aquatic environments and the storage of carbon in soil mineral horizons. The goal is to contribute to the evaluation of new agricultural production systems, including methanisation-based products.
The PhD is supervised by Anne Jaffrezic (SAS, Rennes) and Emilie Jardé (Géosciences Rennes)
Ivy Notterpek – PhD candidate
Ivy’s thesis tests numerous biochemical approaches for recovering and characterizing combustion-related organic wastes. Fire-related activities and their development are studied in numerous Palaeolithic sequences from a diachronic perspective.
The PhD is supervised by Isabelle Thery (CNRS CPAM Nice)
Zoé Ott – PhD candidate
Zoé is working in the frame of the nutrilift project, which focuses on the importance of deep rooting in tropical agro ecosystems. She studies particularlry the root derived carbon in deep soil layers and its interactions witk organic and inorganic carbon.
The PhD is co supervised by Jean Riotte (IRD GET Toulouse).
Baptiste Hulin – PhD candidate
Baptiste’s thesis deals with root derived carbon quantification, including rhizodeposition, as a tool to store carbon in top soil and sub soil on the long term. He is particularly looking at root derived carbon from different plant type or environmental drivers.
Johanne Lebrun Thauront – PhD candidate
Johanne’s project focusses on pyrogenic carbon dynamics at the landscape scale. She particularly works on the watershed of Naizin, Brittany. She is also developing new methods to quantify and qualify pyrogenic matter in soils.
Former members
PhD candidates
Marcus Schiedung – pyrogenic carbon in soils, it persistence and stocks, in particular in artic systems
Severin Bellè – Pyrogenic carbon age and quantities in soils, in tropical systems.
Pierre Stevenel – combined cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the context of tropical soils.
Moritz Reisser – Pyrogenic organic matter: quantification and characterisation across ecosystems
Beatriz Gonzalez Dominguez – Soil organic matter vulnerability in swiss soils
Juliane Hirte – Carbon rhizodeposition in different cropping systems
Cordula Friedli – Root architecture, root decomposition and carbon input to the soil under drought conditions
Mirjam Studer – Stabilisation of root carbon using multi-isotopes labelling
Bernardo Maestrini – C and N budget of Pyrogenic Carbon in the Soil under Increased Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
Nimisha Singh – Fate of Pyrogenic Carbon in the Soil under Increased Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
Post-doc researchers
Mirjam Studer – vulnerability of organic matter in plant-soil systems
Bernardo Maestrini – Pyrogenic carbon degradation in artic systems
Dolores Asensio – Effect of biodiversity on root-derived carbon
Simon Bowring – integrating pyrogenic carbon in the land surface model ORCHIDEE
Nicholas Ofiti – Effect of drought and heatwave on peatland biogeochemistry
Msc students
Lucie Germain – Stoichiometry and biochemistry of arctic species in a context of tundra vegetation transitions
Esther Souzan – Biogeochemical cycles temperature sensitivity in indian agroecosystems
Maud Chevalier – Fire derived carbon in the forest of Fontainebleau
Anita Van Quynh – Quantiative analyse of the pyroegnic carbon content database
Emma Fabre – Link between soil biodiversity and soil functions in coast ecosystems
Astrid Marguet – Impact of biochar on soil and plant under flooding and drought
Rhea Khoury Helou – The impact of different biostimulants on root architecture of cover crops and carbon dynamics in vineyard soils
Cristina Haldemann – The Fate of Pyrogenic Carbon in Boreal Forest Soils
Lisa Maria Pirisinu – Assessment of organic carbon stabilisation in tropical soils – Evaluating soil organic carbon quality and distribution under dry-deciduous forest in south-western Karnataka
Milena Mächler – rhizodeposition from raps, barley and oat, as a function of the atmospheric CO2.
Michelle Giust – How the combination of biochar from rice husk and sugar cane and different organic fertilisers (Biochar based fertilizers) modify soil chemical, physical and biological parameters.
Ursina Morgenthaler – Root architecture and rhizodeposition with biochar based fertilisers additions in tropical soils from Karnataka, India.
Florencio Zanitti – soil parameters to soil water conductivity at saturation, in the context of land use change in Madagascar.
Miriam Steinmann – importance of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams on the flow of water, nutrient and carbon in the swiss Alps.
Nadia Huber – Effect of soil and climate parameters on barley rhizodeposition
Severin Bellè – Biochar systems: the use of organic wastes in south India
Mario Lombardi – The stabilization of root-derived vs shoot derived in soils
Jessica Abt – Root decomposition in 16 different soils
Quirina Mertz – Wheat and maize growth and impact on soil under 2070 climate scenario
Lukas Gmunder – Fragmentation processes of charcoal in soils
Julia Siegrist – Meta-analysis of alternative agricultural practices on soil properties
Mirjam Müller – Soil Organic Matter Persistence in Swiss Forest Mineral Soils – Assessment of SOM Vulnerability by Density Fractionation
Annika Tella – Modeling the effects of climate and land use change on soil and vegetation C dynamics in Switzerland with CoupModel
Tobias Pfenninger – Change of soil organic matter composition after spruce afforestation – A density fractionation study conducted in a subalpine region in Switzerland
Stefanie Müller – Indigenous knowledge-based identification of adaption barriers regarding a sustainable implementation of a biochar system in Karnataka
Anette Brem – Effects of biochar on root growth
Matthias Reichmutt – Decomposition and water retention of biochars and hydrothermal chars –
Mirjam Studer – 2H, 18O, 13C tracing in a soil-plant system
Barbara Pichler – Biochar effects on vineyard soils in Valais
Pascal Hendgartner – Solubility of pyrogenic compounds into the soil dissolved organic matter